Goc O'Callaghan
Experience Analyst

Goc O’Callaghan has found it her life calling to produce awe-inspiring events and experiences. With a passion for the events industry and an ambition to create memories for millions of people, Goc feels most satisfied watching the pleasure on the faces of those attending the event she has produced (or been part of a team to produce), and then again, when listening to the stories that people tell for years afterwards.
Recently, Goc has taken on the position of Experience Analyst at Crowd Dynamics. Pioneering this new role, Goc will be using her extensive event knowledge, global industry network and academic studies to analyse visitor experiences in a variety of different environments. This will provide key insight for our clients as to how to optimise the experience people have when visiting venues, events or public spaces. The influence and uplift of experience bespokely developed will add value to the experience, increasing profit for the owner or operator. Building a space in which experiences are had above and beyond the perceived financial value, adds a uniqueness to each individual’s relationship with the entertainment environment. In turn, this will harness stronger patronage and increasing profitability for the owners and operators.
She is the co-founder and director of the award-winning independent festival ArcTanGent, the world’s ultimate music festival curating line-ups you will not see anywhere else on planet earth. ArcTanGent is a 10,000 capacity independent festival, founded in 2013, attracts international guests and world-leading line-ups in the experimental, left-field, and alternative music. She is also a Board Director for the Association of Independent Festivals which supports over 85 independent festivals in the UK, driving forward campaigns and initiatives to support the independent festival sector.
Key Skills
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Experience Consultancy

Experience Economy

Event Production and Design